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As the concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere rises, global climate change also intensifies every year, triggering changes in the rainfall patterns that in turn exacerbate the problem of uneven rainfall distribution in Taiwan. In recent years, water shortages occurred frequently in Taiwan, compelling the government and enterprises to pay attention to the scarcity of water resources and their impact on production and operations. In light of this, RichWave has already completed the water risk evaluation in our operating locations in Taiwan. Our Taipei head office and Zhubei office are classified as low risk by the World Resources Institute (WRI)'s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas.
Water consumption at RichWave's operating locations mainly consists of tap water for office use and we do not extract water from water shortage zones and waste water is discharged centrally from the Science Park to the water processing plan;, therefore total water consumption cannot be calculated. In 2023, RichWave's tap water consumption was 4 million liters, an increase of 3.1% compared to 2022. The WUI in 2023 was 13.2million liters perthous and people, an increase of 3.9% compared to 2022. We will continue to enforce water resource management for the sake of elevating water efficiency and making sure water resources are utilized most efficiently.
We believe that water is an extremely valuable shared resource, so we regularly control our water consumption in our daily operations and continue to conduct water-saving campaigns, hoping to instill water conservation awareness in our colleagues' everyday life. Additionally, the office building's management unit utilizes recycled water to irrigate flowers and plants and water-saving toilets are installed to minimize water waste.
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